Oct 13, 2005

12 oktober: San Telmo

Yesterday I missed the first class. I almost did not have any sleep and I thought it would be better to catch at least three hours of sleep. Still pretty dead I went to school to attend lesson number two. The lessons go ok actually. Sometimes I understand more then other moments, but I guess that isjust normal.

After classes we (Patricia and David and moi) went to have lunch. It is strange to have lunch at two or even later but around here it is pretty normal. After another great peace of meat and some papas fritas I went home to drop off some stuff and take the metro downtown. From Microcenter (downtown) I walked down to San Telmo, which is justlovely. All this old streets, with old houses and really nice antique shops. I only didn´t see anyone dancing, so I guess I have to go back there in the days in the end of October.

I decided to take another way home and walked to a stacion of the blue line (I am always on the green one). In the end it didn´t feel that comfortable, but it was ok. Around 6 I was at home again and did some homework downstairs at the table with Tito. I still have to make some arrangements for my time outside of Buenos Aires, but it just does not seems to work out. If it still this way tonight I have to start making phonecalls.

Well this for now talk to you later!


Anna said...

Hoe komt dat dat je bijna niet hebt geslapen?
Nog last van je maag zeker? ;-)
Nou hopelijk lukt het een beetje met al je arrangements voor het vervolg van je reis. Of hoop je van niet en blijf je liever in BA? Aan je verhalen te lezen heb je het wel naar je zin en pas je perfect in die stad.

Liselotte said...

hahahaha, mijn maagje is prima, maar er zijn wat andere zaken die me wakker houden...hahahaha. Maar nee, ik hoop niet dat ik door omstandigheden niet weg kan. Ik wil dit land graag bekijken. En over twee weken ben ik hier weer terug. Voor 2 dagen maar, maar toch, het is iets om naar uit te kijken. Maar BA is perfect!