Oct 14, 2005

last day Buenos Aires

Today is the day I am leaving Buenos Aires. Yesterdag I had 6 hours of classes and as I only slept like three hours, those six hours of lessons were killing me. Also kiling me where the bites of the muskito´s....After those hours I went home. Public transport wasn´t really working with me, as it took me alost 50 minutes to get home.
At home I had a small chat with Tito, went for a nap (which did not really work as Carmen the help walked in and started a converstation), went out for a drink with Tito, did some homework, had dinner with the family and talked some more with Tito.
At one thirty it was time to go to bed.
So now I will attend one class and go home to start packing for my little trip around. Don´t know when I will be writing again, but I will keep in touch!

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