Oct 29, 2005

Hate to say goodbye...

yesterday I said goodbye to Tito who was leaving for the farm to buy some horses with his dad and Pablo. I hate saying goodbye and especially to somebody who is near to me. Althought I did not know he was going there, I had a feeling. Still the goodbye was a bit abrupt, but for that not really painful and almost without tears (which is pretty special, because I cry pretty easy, I had already tears in my eyes when I left the netherlands and with the most stupid movies I can not keep it dry, really irritating!!!) and said goodbye to Tara. This morning I had to say goodbye to Maya and Christina, also some hard moments (and of course Carmen en Luis Enrico).
Now I am just waiting for my first flight, just wanting I could snip my fingers and be home again. I am really don't feel happy abou hanging around on Sao Paolo airport for so many hours. Next time (I have to go back here, even if its is only to see more of the south) I will have a closer look on the flighttimes (although I heard that the planes of Ieria sucked a bit ,they have much better flighttimes)
Well, Netherlands here I come, Within 24 hours I will be back on homegrounds, yuo better be happy and the sun must be shining!

Oct 28, 2005

27th of October....sunshine and rain

As the day of leaving Buenos Aires is coming closer I am getting restless. So I decide to go walking today and watch some of the famous Palermo parks. First I pass by the racetrack and have a quick look around. As there are no races you can just walk in. When I am done with that I move on to the rose park. At nighttime the draqqueens hang around here (not in the park but at the street around it) The park is really nice, and the smell of the flowers is overwhelming. After a while I move on to the next park (I am already walking for two hours or so) the Japanese one. At least that is what I want to do, because suddenly this big raindrops start falling down. As it looks like it is not gonna stop soon, I run over to Plaza Italia to get the bus home. Not totally soaked, but still pretty wet I get home, change ad go out with umbrella this time. First I buy some sandwiches and then I go back to where I was, Plaza de Italia. As soon as I get there it starts to rain again. I think that this is enough, walk into some coffebar , drink a coffee and go back home (it is around five) In the meantime my stomach is really getting upset. I don{t know if it is because I eat something wrong, because I am tired of because I am feeling so restless, but this isn{t to good (probably it is a mixture of the three) Dinner at home is at around ten, and my stomach is killing me by this time. After dinner I go straight tob ed, because I am shaking all over. A little while later I just have to run for the restroom.
Today, the 28th my stomach is still really upset, and I have some nice cold... really good ending of this holidays... Well, I will do some final shoppings and say goodbye to this city and my next message with some overall comments will be from home, Apeldoorn.

Oct 27, 2005

Tigre delta

On the way to Tigre the landscape was changing. The houses are bigger and there is much more green. It took by train a short hour to get there (and only 0.95 pesos) but the train did not go that fast. If the train back home would go as fast as this one, it would probably double my travelling time. Anyway, I was surrounded by beautyful trees and lots of water. After updating you guys I went to get a boattrip. I did not really feel for the youristything and went by the watertaxi. In the beginning it seemed to be quiet, but just before we left 26 Australian guys between 18 and 21 (well, actually 24 guys in that agerange and two trainers) jumped in. Really great, all of a sudden surrounded by them and just hearing ...Oh Amsterdam, Ajax etc. Luckily they had to get off the boat pretty soon, because there was no change watching the delta, as they kept talking and asking. They almost draged me off the boat to watch their soccermatch and have BBQ with them, but just in time I could tell them I had other dinnerplans.... So then I had to say goodbye to a dozen of them....
When I was watching the Delta it pretty soon became clear a lot of houses are for sale. A first instant thouight was that it must be really nice to life up here. Next thought was that it would drive be crazy, always have to take the boat to go somewhere and think about how many muskitos must be over there (they are already eating me in Bs As) After two hours I saw enough if the delta. I made a quick walk through Tigre and when I was almost sleep walking I decided to go home. It probably would have been smarter to take a coffe first, because I woke up seeing the racetrack, and that meant I missed my stop. I had to get out just a few meters before the track. As I did not feel like taking the train back, I went for the subte.
Back home I took a little nap, went for some shoppings and went upstairs. At night I went for dinner with tito to a nice restaurant and just before we ordered his sister and some friends walked in (how is it possible). Around twelve we were home and was it time to go to bed.

Oct 26, 2005

26th of Octobre, back to La Acacia

this morning some streetworkers woke me up way to early. I tried to sleep a bit more, but it started to work on my nerves, so I thought it would be best to take a shower, get some breakfast (really nice bakery around the corner) and pack my stuff (and check out). So it happenend I was checking out at around nine and took of by taxi back to Malasia, La Acacia. I dropped my stuff over there, tried to explain to carmen (the help) what I was going to do and when I would be back (not sure if we were talking about the same thig, but I think we were, because she started to explain where I had to go. Luckily tito did that yesterday as well, so I recognised some stuff she was telling me) and I went off the road again. The taxidriver I had today was a bit strange. I was telling were I had to go, pointed it out on his map and still I had to tell him where to go because he took a wrong turn and got lost. When he was going wrong again and wanted to make another turn I decided it would be way quicker to just walk, besides I did not really understand why he was asking me if I could and wanted to life in Buenos Aires. Guess He used the wrong word in English, and I did not uderstand the Spanish version.
Anyway, I went from Malasia straight to the trainstation to catch the train to Tigre, where I am now to see the delta. More about this later!

Buens Aires on a sunny day....

Back in Buenos Aires and a sunny day, no better moment to start walking around in Sa Telmo to watch some antigues. I really like the lights (kroonluchters) and wish I could take them home (but they are almost as big as my new appartment). IPretty soon I found nice souvenir for my sister, but I first wanted to look aroud a bit more. As son as I started walking around more I forgot where the nice shop was. It took me like 3 mopre rounds theough San Telmo befor I found it back and realised why I did not write the streetname down, it was just at the most important plaza, so I figured it wuld be no problem to find it back.
After that I walked back downtown and had some warm lunch, checked my email and posted the pictures you see below. After that I walked to the plaza at the end of Florida Av (like Kalverstraat in Amsterdam, but than twice as long) to make some pictures and looked around to fid out why the Lonely planet was talking about it. Almost immediatly somebody of the red cross jumped on me, starting to tell about everything that weas there todo arund the place and then asked for money. He wanted like 30 pesos, but I thought that wuld be a bit to much, so I gave him some small money and took off before more people wuld come to talk to me. Next time I have to be even ruder to get rid of them before they start talking.
In the meantime my stomach started to kill me again so I decided to go homewards again and take a little nap, before meeting with tito. We would go for dinner,but as I still wasn´t feeling 100% we went for a sall bite at 10 pm. Pancakes with ensalada de frutas y crema y (ice, i forgot the spanish word) And after that bedtime......

Oct 25, 2005

estancia life

men in black and white (and a beautiful sunset over Pategonia)

from Trelew back to Buenos Aires (24th of October)

It felt like weeks, but today I am going back to Buenos Aires. In Trelew the weather is still amazingly good. Almost tshirt weather, but as soon as the plane hits the ground of Buenos Aires it is pretty clear it is raining cats and dogs in my favourite city.... and my imbrella is at another place I am gonna be. As soon as I arrive at the hostel, I am a bit dissapointed. It is just a bed in a room on a roof. But it probably looks better when it isnt raining like hell. I just dump my stuff and go downtown to arrange some stuff with the flights I cancelled. That takes like forever, and around five I call tito to have some tea. The evening goes by way to quick and around ten I have dinner (just a salad,because ten is really to late to have a warm meal) On my way back I take a wrong corner and end up walking another 20 minutes through the rain to get back. I really hope it will be better weather tomorrow (and as I am writing this on Tuesday....the sun is shininh again!) Today up to San Telmo to buy myself a suvenir and maybe a birthday present for Sofie, my sister

23th of October, watching penguins and dolphins...

today the excursion had to start at 7.30 am, but because of the elections (and they have to vote over here, not really a free choise to do or not to do) we only took of at around 10.30 am (again they were like half an hour late, but this time i did not worry about it) We went first to watch toninos, or small black and white dolphins. This excursion was optional, but now I am here I can just see if I can find any of this animals out there on sea. So for the second day in row I sat down in a boat to take off. It took like forever till we found the small dolphines (grown ups are like 1,5 meters) but it was really nice to watch them. They were unbelievalbe quick, so it was impossible to take picutres of them. I tried three times and after that I just watch them jump at the tale of out boat and see them swim below the surface pass underneath the boat.
After another two hours at sea we went back and took of the see the penguins at punta tombo. It was a bit strange that they were not going to stop anywhere for lunch as it was already two oclock when we arrived at punta tomba. Up here there are an amazing amount of penguins. Just everywhere you look they were. You almost had to look out were you were walking... Yesterday we saw like 20 of them, but here there are thousends! We walked around for two hours just surprising about the amount of them and how used they are to see people passing by while they are stretching, walking and keeping their eggs warm.
On the way back we went to Gaiman to have Welsh tea. After a whole day without real food (we all shared some cookies, but that was about it) this just was too sweet. There were like 6 different kind of sweet pies and some scones and pieces of bread with jam. I guess it was anough for dinner as well, but I felt like I really had to check if all my treeth were still there and my stomach just turned around by seeing any other piece of cake. Glad not to be an Argentinian Welsh person!
After that time to go back home again, were I arrived around nine. I went out to download some pictures, but that took me like a million years (you saw some of them before). I guess i will download the rest of them when I get home and post them afterwards, just by region, so you all can enjoy Argentina!

whalewatching, part two

Punta Norte is the place you see on tv when they show orca attacks. Unluckily they were not there when we were there. I heard some stories of other travellers who have actually seen the orcas just three days before I went there. A pity, but maybe next time better! When everybody started to get freezing cold and got enough of the sealions (or whatever they were) and the seaguls and the little birds, we went back in the car and drove to punta delgada (estancia elvira) to have lunch and see some more sealions, sheeps and some kind of relative of the lama. lunch wasnt really my thing, but that was probably because of the homemade chorizo with a bit to big pieces inside that made me start thinking of what part of the animal it came from... I think i finished 3-4 of it when I decided I had seen anough of it. The rest of the food was actually good. After that we started to walk around to see more sealions and that kind of animals and get a taste of the landscape (when I am back home I will post some more pictures) While walking around we got the good news the harbor at Puerta piramides openend (we were supposed to go whalewatching in the morning but the wind was to strong and we just had to pray the wind would turn.
About one hour later we arrived at the port and we got dropped in a boat of tit bottazzi. A big tractor drove the boat into the sea and while doing that the guy told us it would be hard to see any whales because there was a strong wind and with this kind of winds they prever to stay down and only come up to breath. Luckily we saw like three grown ups and free kids swimming around and were able to take some pictures. At the most diserable moment my battery went down and I just watch one of the smaller ones just rolling around. Furthermore no playing around of taleshowing, but it is amazing to watch this animals so close to you. (like 20 meters or so).
After this two hours (which felt like 30 minutes) we went back to shore and went back to Trelew. At around 8.30 pm I irrived there, just in time to catch a phonecall. After that I went to an internetcafe, had a quick small bite and went after doing some more phonecalls to bed around 11.30 pm. Tomorrow tonino watching

Oct 24, 2005

and Isaw some black and white dolfins....

this for now, tomorrow more!

Peninsula Valdes...de walvissen

Dit behoeft eigenlijk geen onderschrift...op 25 meter van zo´n beest dobberen is geweldig.....
It is one of the greatest experiences to be so close to such an huge animal

El Calafate en omgeving

Ik denk dat het iedereen wel is opgevallen dat Pategonie mij toch het meeste doet, daarom hier ook meteen wat foto´s van die reis.... Misschien dat de liefde nog op iemand overslaat die mij dan vervolgens tijdens de volgende reis wilvergezellen om dit prachtige deel verder te ontdekken. Mocht je dat niet willen ook goed hoor, ik ga dan gewoon weer lekker zelf...
Ok, onderop stukje estancia met uitzicht, dan foto Perito Moreno glacier, dan sneeuwig landschap(dat was wel ff schrikken), weer de glacier, maar nu kun je zien hoe hoog ie is (ik geloof dat ie ruim 60 meter boven het water uitsteekt), de schapen worden door Carlos binnengebracht en de avond gaat vallen

Salta en Minisafari a las Nubes

Salta at night, Me a bit blown away by the wind...and that was just the start of the excursion, the famous bridge of the tren a las Nubes, and me standing besides a 8 meter tall family member of the cactus (note the nice poncho who kept me warm all day)

Oct 23, 2005

watching whales....

today I got a wake up call at 5.30 am. at 6.00 am I am ready for breakfast and at 6.15 I am ready for pick up. This only happens at 6.45 am, just when I start to worry. Yhe guy that picks me up brings me quick and save to Puerto Madryn and at 7.30 I get in another bus to go pick up people and go to Peninsula Valdes. The landscape here is totally different from the landscape in Calafate. just rolling hills and much dryer. But still impressive..... The first real stop (we stopped once before to go to the restroom and take some first pictures) is at Punta Norte, where is not a lot to see, but where it is very windy... the sun is shining and it must be around 20 degrees, but I am really happy with my winterjacket. Not much live to see over here and we go on.... More about this and about the incredible whales at 25 meters from the boat tomorrow or Monday....

21th of October....Last day at the estancia...

Today my last day at this wonderful place in the world. I think it is one of the most beautyful places I have ever seen, but somehow it does not look that impressive at pictures. In front of the estancia you can see mountains with everlasting snow on their tops. Just in front of the mountains is this beautyful lake and if you walk up the hills just behind the estancia you can see that the lake is changing in another lake, because the color is different. The mountains behind the estancia go up 1000 m, and are pretty steep. When you walk up (or by horse) you feel like a gaot. When you are at the top of the hills (which I did not try, because that will take you 2 hours) it is just 8 more kilometers to the Cilean border. Well, I will post some pictures as soon as possible. At 9.30 I go for an last hour of horsebackriding. Carlos tries to have a small conversation, but when I finally understand what he is asking me, I have no clue how to translate the answer....and that was the end of the conversation.
When I get back I do some packings and start a small walk again. This time to the lake. While walking I see the gaucho{s busy with the cows. Nice to watch and to hear them. The different kind of animals around here are amazing, today I saw some parrots, skunk (again) and a lot of big birds.
Lunch is perfect again and after lunch there is time for one last walk up the hill, to enjoy the sunshine (it is almost warm today, around 15 degrees), watch the gaucho{s and see some tourists that visit the estancia for a few hours. At four I have to say goodbye to this little piece of heaven that made me very happy and made me forget time and everything else (almost everything else) I hope I can come back here one day.
Around nine I arrive in Trelew and go to the hotel. Here I find out that they misspelled my name with one letter(just from a email) and did not accept the message from the travelagency about my excursions of the two day s after...And the guy does not speak one word of English. Happely the manager lives closeby and he helps me out by calling the travelagency and the touroperator that will take me. Around 10.30 I am still calling around and a bit before 11 pm I am sure that they will pick me up at 6.15 am and that we will arange all the other things when I am in Puerto Madryn. After this I make a phonecall to Tito and go to bed a bit after twelve....

20th of October...the day after...enjoying landscape Pategonia

Weather is getting better. I notice as soon as I get up. I have breakfast alone and at 10 am I go for an horseackride with Ian and Carlos the guide. We just go for an hour but is a nice ride again. After the ride we have lunch in the restaurant and have a real asado. Basicly, this means eating lamb. Lots of lamb, and that at 1.30 am. If we finish the first little BBQ the guy tells us the ribbs are comming up. As we ate all 4 peaces of meat each, we think he is kidding, but I few minutes later we know he isnt...so more meat. The lamb is really nice, but the knowlegde i saw it running yesterday at the hillsite, makes it a bit less....
After lunch the irish couple is leaving and at 3 pm I go for a ride together with Carlos and a new (Irish ) guest Kevin. In the beginning it all goes pretty well. My horse is enjoying the walk and Kevins horse is way slower, but following. Than, at 1-3 of the ride his horse knows a quicker way home. It happens a few times and it keeps Carlos busy (jumping on and of his horse, running after Kevin) half way we bump in some grazy cows and Carlos and Kevins horse think they have to work with the cattle and try to take off...funny to see and I just follow a bit slower. From that point on it all goes well again and we return safe home.
The next hour I am enjoying tea in front of the fire (my cup on my armchair...really great) abd then go out for another walk, to jump over some little streams and walk some hills. At night we have dinner and Kevin meets the Doyles. Although they are very positive, Kevin thinks they are complaining a lot. Lucky guy that he just arrived now and not yesterday! After dinner I am tired and go to bed. Soon after the house is quiet...

Oct 21, 2005

19th of october, falling in love with the big blue wall...

As I ake up, the ehole world is white and is getting whiter by the inute.The last thing is bad news, because I have to be outside for a whole day. At nine I and the Doyles leave for the glacier.In the back I hear a lot of complains about everything and in the front I try to understand hat the cabdriver is telling me, to answer it and to explain it towards the people in the back. Inthe meanwhile we are sliding towards theglacier. When we reach theglacier it is raining and the Doyles are really upset they have to walk outside for almost twohours. I run down to get a poncho and start walking through the almost 10cm high snow and melting water.
Even though theweather is grey, the glacier iswonderfull. It is a mirical. I just look at it for 1,5 hour and than go back upstairs to the car to havelunch and go to the start of tha hike of the glacier.Before we get there we have to take the boat. While being on the boat is stops raining and we canstand outside making some pictures. Aswe walk through the forest towards the glacier the guide tells us this snow is very rare, and a bit dangerous. As soon as weare on the ice it isclear the way through the forrest to the glacier was much more dangerous. With our crampton (???or whatever they are ) on we hop over the ice. Theguides do their best to uncover the dangerous wholes under the snow and take us way fromthe ath everybody takes. We walk on very small paths (which arent that well for my nerves, but as Idid that yesterday as well with the horses I am getting used walking or riding around like an mountain goat) The colors are spectacular. As soon as I am back in Buenos Aires I will post more pictures. Just before we go back to the boat we get some Whiskey on the rocks (sitting on ice, drinking whiskey with glacieratmore can a person want) On the way back Ihear even morecomplains in the back and Iam happy when Iam back with the Irish couple. At dinner we share another bottle of fine Argentinan wine (Marcus is really nice, you should try that brand)andmake some plans for tomorrow.
Later more,I have now to make some phonecalls to arrange excursions for tomorrow and catch the plane to trelew at 7 pm!

Calafate 18th of October

today the day Iwill be going to theestancia.I heard already they have few hours of electricity and no central heating.....Around ten a guy picks me up, and before we leave we pick up an Irish couple. After a one and halve hours drive (I think within 30 minutes I fell in love with the landscape) we arrive at the estancia. We first drink some tea, fill in some forms and then we have lunch at 1.30 pm. I slowly start to understandwhy it is expensive, the three course meal is made by a chef cook and really really good. At three we (the irish and I)leave with gaucho Carlo for a two hour ride.The horses are slowandonly knowone pace, but it is nice to sit, look around and just enjoy the landscape. At the end of the two hours it satarts raining and the moment we run inside the heaven comes down. As we place ourselves in front of the fireplace with a book we even see it starts snowing....
Another couple is coming in in the evening, it is an eldery couple, the Doyles, and as soon as they walk in they start complaining. They eat quickly and take of to bed. Weare happy with that, because all three of us started to feel a bit uncomfortable with that much of complains.
The food was really good again! Tomorrow an early morning and a long day!

Oct 18, 2005

just want to say....

I am feeling really well again! I hardly can wait to leave for the estancia to go horsebackriding and see the glaciar. Hope nobody worried to much....It must have been the hanging around at the airport...
I am going now!

17th of October a whole day on the road

Yesterday and today busy trying to reach a hotel in El Calafate, but no way.... In the meanwhile my alarmclock went of at a normal time today. At eight I left the hotel on my way to the airport. One of the guys of the hotel seemed to follow me everywhere, and gave me a kiss (the typical kiss on the cheek) when I left. Bit strange, at least that was what I thought, but whatever. Up to the next destination. At 11.30 I arrived at Buenos Aires and had to say goodbye to the Dutch couple and went on on my own. The next couple of hours I walked around over the airport trying to reach an hotel in El Calafate, checking e-mail, havinf lunch and stretched my legs outside. At 2.55 pm I had to check in again and went into the air for the second time. In front of me and beside of me there were to very in love couples, and that did not made my mood any better, but the sights outside which got rougher and rougher did some good.
Around six I arrived at the airport of El Calafate. In the middle of nowhere and 15 degrees colder than Salta...Just 9 degrees...brrrrr. But the Lago Argentino looks really cool, really blue and really cold. The moment I put my feet to the ground I tried to make contact with hotels again, but still no line. I let one of the village people try and they did not get contact as well... too bad. I decided to get a taxi (together with some American guy who was without hotel as well) and went downtown El Calafate. Prices are way up here, but the hotel I found is nice.
After checking in I went to the organisation that arranged my stay at an estancia. As I am still a bit in a lonely mood, I decided to do crazy and book the all inclusive at an estancia for three days... Three days away from everything... Really away from everything, because there is no phone and internet overthere and electricity is only there in the morning...
For the people who are really curious where I will be...google Nibepo Aike on google and scroll down till you find their own website (it is on the end of the first search page as I remember well). In the evening of the 24th I will move on to Trelew...and I will try over there to contact you guys again
Take care!

Salta Well shaken (not stired)

at 5.15 am my alarmclock went off, at 5.45 I left the hotel and at 6 we were on route to the mountains. Together with a Dutch couple (it was really good to talk Dutch again) 2 English people (old), 2 French speaking Canadians, 4 Portuguese and some Spanish speaking people we went by truck to the first stop. Breakfast. As soon as we got out the truck (they had to rebuild it for breakfast) we were cold. The thought that they would open up the roof and we had to stand out was killing. After breakfast they did open the roof, we got some ponchos and we went up (I have a picture of that and as soon as I can show you, you wuill print it out and everytime you feel shitty you can look at it and laugh your pants off) Offcourse we did not bring anything to cover the head, so the hair looked pretty nice after 10 minutes....and with more then 12 hours to go....) First thing were all the different colors of the mountains, then a graveyard (the traintrail killed a lot of people ) and some of the most ugliest houses. I would really never want to live over there! Slowly we were getting up and the second stop was at 3100m. I was still feeling sursprisingly well....besides feeling cold and the fact that I had to spray some suncream. Around one we were at 4200 m and had another stop to make some pictures of the gçfamous brigde. After that we went with the way home. At Torres something, a little place of which I forgot the name, we went out for a light lunch. Soup, chicken with rice and potatoe and some strange but ok desert.
At three we went on to the ruines of Tastil. On the way there we had a nap (that was not a free option, it was told)The start of a little climb at 3200m. I really should start working out more! But it was pretty cool. Only the way to get there had some places where you could look down a bit to far... As we were running late, the crew decided to rebuilt the truck at 6 in breakfast style and serve our snack on the road. Really funny eating and drinking when you are getting well shaken, especially when you get red wine.
Because of the strong wind and the sun (at least I guess) I started to get an headache and was really happy to be at home at nine..... the tour was pretty cool, but I don´t think I have to get back to this part of the country. It is not really my thing7style.... Pictures will follow later (I guess when I am back in BA)

Oct 17, 2005

just a quick update

Yesterday I did a nice trip up the mountains around Salta, more about this trip this evening or tomorrow. This morning I flew to Buenos Aires and this afternoon I will fly to El Calafate... Now I have to find a hotel for the night. Speak to you all soon again

Oct 15, 2005

My bedroom and my bathroom

A small bedroom and your own bathroom outside. And friendly people...you find it at:
Hotel del Antiqvo Convento (caseros 113 Salta)

pictures of Salta part two

Saturday the 15th of October: La Linda …Salta

After waking up, walking outside, walking into my bathroom and taking a shower, going to breakfast I thought it would be nice to walk around a bit. I went to an internet shop to post some pictures, and sat down at the main square for a cup of coffee. For people who love coffee, the coffee over here is pretty good, and especially the con leche (San: heel veel schuim, heerlijk) There are a lot of kids walking around here asking for money and trying to sell stuff to you. I think I sat down for an hour, and saw at least 10 people at my table. Bit irritating, especially as No thank you did not work and not looking up as well….

After the coffee I went back to the hotel to change cloths. Although you wouldn’t say it when you see the pictures, it is pretty warm over here and I decided to wear a dress (the brown one, not the red one) This morning I noticed the cable train (not really a train, more little cabins, like you have also in snowy areas)) and I thought it would be nice to go up the hill. I guess the people who know me a bit already can start laughing, because they know I am a bit afraid of heights…..Years back, while travelling with my sister and mother, I kind of turned nuts when they tried to get me in this cablething in Barcelona… and now I know that was a very good decision not to get in. The moment I got in and the cabin started moving I already wanted out, and the higher we went up the more I wished I had never gotten in this thing. I had some relaxed moments while taking some pictures, but then we went of this pillars and I started to freak out again. I even closed my eyes a few ties. The view was actually excellent, but ok. As soon as I was up the mountain I bought an ice-cream and started to walk around. I had to losen up the muscles again. Off course some little voice in the back of my head told me I had to get down as well. After taking some pictures of Salta seen from above, I went down again. While I was standing up there, I thought the way back would kill me, but as I got in it wasn’t that bad. More like flying, looking down. Only the bit steeper parts were a bit irritating and the movements because of the wind (where did that come from, going up there was no wind)

Down again I went for lunch (three o’clock, I am getting used to have meals at strange times) The kids asking for money and food were even worse this time. They were really coming close, touching you and almost picking the food of my table. If they would have just asked I would have given, but I just don´t like it when they go touching me.
Around four I got back on my feet to do some more walking. Salta is still a pretty big city, but only downtown is really interesting.

It is funny though how different the people look here compared to Buenos Aires. In Buenos Aires a lot of them could be tourist, here in Salta I really feel a tourist, because most peoples skins are coloured...

Tonight I will only go out for dinner. The tour will leave tomorrow at 6 am and I have to be there at 5.50 am. Crazy. Luckily it is around the corner. I will be back at eight, and maybe I have some time to write down some story and post some pictures


pictures of Salta part one

teatro colon y San telmo

recoleta sementerey

Buenos Aires pictures

Although I am in Salta right now, here some Buenos Aires pictures
(me at the polo,( on the background with the red and white blouse is Pablo), the colourful houses of Boca, microcentro Buenos Aires)

destinacion numero dos: Salta

After a bit of chaotic day i am in Salta now. Although it is dark already, it had the chance so see a little of the city. It looks completely different from Buenos Aires. I am curious how it will look by daylight. The welcome in my hotel was great. Really nice. Actually I am now siting at the desk of the manager of the hotel. The room is a bit weird. It is small and I have to go outside to get to my bathroom. But the bathroom is all mine and looks good.
It is a bit weird to be alone all of a sudden. i had such a great time in Buenos Aires with the family and other guests i stayed with and all of a sudden it is really quiet around me. I am not sure if I really like it, but for sure it is an experience. It is funny though that I was excited for doing this trip for almost one year and now I am here I just want to stay in Buenos Aires. Oh well. Maybe I will cancel Cordoba and stay two extra days in Buenos Aires. If anyone has some wise words to say about it, please do and help me out ! ;-)
Well, although it is really early, i think I will go to bed early. tommorow will be a day of walking around and the day after tomorrow i will have this trip from 6 am till 8 pm....
Hope you are all doing ok and hope to speak soon to you all through mail and messageboard.

Oct 14, 2005

last day Buenos Aires

Today is the day I am leaving Buenos Aires. Yesterdag I had 6 hours of classes and as I only slept like three hours, those six hours of lessons were killing me. Also kiling me where the bites of the muskito´s....After those hours I went home. Public transport wasn´t really working with me, as it took me alost 50 minutes to get home.
At home I had a small chat with Tito, went for a nap (which did not really work as Carmen the help walked in and started a converstation), went out for a drink with Tito, did some homework, had dinner with the family and talked some more with Tito.
At one thirty it was time to go to bed.
So now I will attend one class and go home to start packing for my little trip around. Don´t know when I will be writing again, but I will keep in touch!

Oct 13, 2005

12 oktober: San Telmo

Yesterday I missed the first class. I almost did not have any sleep and I thought it would be better to catch at least three hours of sleep. Still pretty dead I went to school to attend lesson number two. The lessons go ok actually. Sometimes I understand more then other moments, but I guess that isjust normal.

After classes we (Patricia and David and moi) went to have lunch. It is strange to have lunch at two or even later but around here it is pretty normal. After another great peace of meat and some papas fritas I went home to drop off some stuff and take the metro downtown. From Microcenter (downtown) I walked down to San Telmo, which is justlovely. All this old streets, with old houses and really nice antique shops. I only didn´t see anyone dancing, so I guess I have to go back there in the days in the end of October.

I decided to take another way home and walked to a stacion of the blue line (I am always on the green one). In the end it didn´t feel that comfortable, but it was ok. Around 6 I was at home again and did some homework downstairs at the table with Tito. I still have to make some arrangements for my time outside of Buenos Aires, but it just does not seems to work out. If it still this way tonight I have to start making phonecalls.

Well this for now talk to you later!

Oct 11, 2005

update over het reisplan....

Door de omstandigheden voel ik er meer voor om in Buenos Aires te blijven, maar eigenlijk is dat zonde. Dus daarom mijn reisschema vanaf vrijdag tot en met 26 oktober...
14 oktober 17.40 - 19.55 Buenos Aires - Salta
16 oktober, Train to the clouds per auto omdat de trein kapot is....zucht
17 oktober 09.20-11.18 Salta - Buenos Aires
17 oktober 1525 - 18.38 Buenos Aires - El Calafate
21 oktober 19.18 - 20.56 El Calafate- Trelew
24 oktober 09.40 - 11.28 Trelew- Buenos Aires
24 oktober 12.05- 13.20 Buenos Aires - Cordoba
26 oktober 20.20 - 21.35 Cordoba - Buenos Aires
29 oktober 14.40 Buenos Aires - Amsterdam

Teatro Colon, de koepel

hmmm, en hier gaate r iets fout....dat zoek ik een andere keer wel weer uit

La Boca soccer match

The first pologame

My room

Oct 10, 2005

Saturday Teatro Colon

Around four fifteen we (Christina, Tara, Luis Enrice and I) went to Teatro Colon to see an classical concert. Normally not my favourite kind of thing, especially when schubert and kind of people pass by, but it was impressive. The theatre is so amazingly beautiful and the sound is so great. In the beginning we were sitting all the way up and we could see the beautiful sealing and some small people downstairs (first time I was really really happy with my glasses) then, in the break, Christina aranged balcony seats. We were just sitting at the second level, up close to the stage. It was exciting!
Afterwards Luis Enrice, Tara and I went out for dinner. We ate something really easy, but it was nice (just again a lot of steak and corn), went for an icecream and then Tara and I went for a drink. Tito joint as around 00.45 and around 3 am we left (pretty early as I understood). On the way back we went to see some draqqueens, did some talking at home and went to bed around six.
Noneless to say I am pretty bad today (my stomach is killing me again) so no activities for today. Oh well, yesterday was enough excitement!
talk to you guys later, chao!

Oct 9, 2005

Weekend, hanging around, having a drink and listen classical music

Saturday; I woke up in time, so I took a quick shower and a quick breaffast and went down to Recoletta. I just wondered around a bit and visited the graveyard. It is not as big as in Havana, but it was still pretty big. Somehow I never feel comfortable out there, so I went away pretty quick. Back home I run in to tara and had lunch with her outside. After lunch I thought it would be smart to do some studying, but as soon as I sat down outside, Pablo asked if I wanted to go to see another pologame..... Sure. So I changed my clothes again and we and Luis Enrico, the mexican host, went to the polomatch. This match was even better than the one before. It was so quick, with excelent players. After the match Luis enrico suddenly started to talk English to me (he told me before he hated English and he was not going to speak in English) and asked if I was going out for dinner. I was. When we got back I also asked tara and the three of us went out. We went to this Mexican restaurant and had a lot of fun. After that we had a drink in Jacky O. Which was just fine (a bottle of champagne for 25 pesos). It is pretty irritable though to have all this kissing couples around you.... it is like everybody is glued together. At 1.30 we went home.
Sunday: This morning I actually only had brakfast and hang out in the garden with Tito. We talked from eleven to onethirty and then Tara and I did go out for lunch. Lunch is over now, and we are typing some stories. Next thing will be the supermarket and getting ready for a classical concert slash opera. Really curious how I am gonna like that.
So no exciting stories, but I am havinf the time of my life and feel pretty relaxed...

Oct 7, 2005


It is unbelievable, you can have lunch over here for 11 pesos(you have to see for yourself how much it is in euros slash dollars), and eat the most delecious steak (vacio I believe) salad, bread and a cup of fruit afterwords.....Oh and have like half a litter of water.......just crazy....I just keep eating steak over here....

Friday the 7th of October; time is flying

It is amazing how fast time is passing by. This city feels good, I guess could spent a lot of time here. I think it helps I am taking classes, it brings some rhythm in your life. Yesterday evening I spent dinnertime with the family and other hosts. It is hard to follow the stories, but I think it is getting better every day. I can understand already a lot of words, but the moment I figured out what four words mean, they are already talking abut the next subject. It is the best way of learning a language I guess .... This morning I had a small conversation with Carmen, the maid. She was totally happy that she can communicate with me. She loves to talk and she keep telling the other guests and the family they only should speak Spanish to me, so that I learn quicker.... well, I am happy when somebody is speaking English to me. After four hours of classes in Spanish, you can drag me away.
This morning I have been downtown again. Today I went just walking around and noticed a lot of homeless people. and cats. Well, the homeless look the same as in Amsterdam. The cats in the parks surprised me. There are also a lot of dogs around here. In the morning you see dog walkers walking around with like at least 5 dogs each....
Last subject....fruit. People seem to eat a lot of fruit over here. A lot of times as dessert. The only strange thing is that they put sugar on it (in a fruit bowl).
Well, I guess I have to find out which way is the way to school (I travleled with Subte this morning, because that is just the easiest way) and find a nice place to eat. If there is somebody to help me get my pictures online, I will place some pictures online...otherwise you just have to wait..... (it just doesnt seem to work)

Oct 6, 2005

classes and that kind of stuff

Today, Gonzalo(one of the teachers) thought I was starting to do better. As soon he was starting to tell me that, I had no clue what he was talking about. Bit embarrassing, but wehat the heck, I knew before I went here that I suck when it comes to learning languages. Well you cant have it all :-) Tomorrow I will have classes of Pablo again. I do really not feel comfortable around him. I just don{t have a clue what he is talking about. So I guess I should study the whole evening.... well, if nobody is going out for a drink....
Today I went downtown. Lots of high buildings with old buildings in between. I had to head home early because I was wearing the wrong kind of shoes (my feet are killing me right now), but I have seen a totally different Buenos Aires.
Yesterday I was talking to Tito and I actually found out for the first time that Dutch cows are pretty famous over here. They crossed them with Argentina cows and that are the cows that provide milk. There is even one milkcan (melkpak)with Dutch girls on it (I didnt see it yet, but one of the teachers told me...in Spanish off course, and after repeating it for six times in English). The meat over here is delicious. We had a discusion if it wouldn{t be better to use the Dutch cows for milk and the Argentina cows for meat. Here they use only like thirty percent of their capicity. It would probably be cheaper and the cows seem to be healthier up here....
Well, I think I will go on. It is teatime so I will go for a little snack (read dinner, but everybody else is taking a snack, I just eat heavy at lunch and light the rest of the day, or a heavy lunch and some meat as snack as well)

Wednesday the 5th of October: La boca

Today early classes because we want to go to a soccergame this afternoon. The bus is already getting normal and it seems that the cold turkey feeling of yesterday did actually some good for my stomach. I can eat...a bit. At school classes don´t even go that bad. Although we have to write a little story, which is kind of hard. When classes end at 1.30 pm, we (two Dutch, a german, and two Swiss) go to the soccer match. First we eat pizza at a typical boca Junior bar and at three we leave for the game. It is amazingly busy, especialy when you think it is a working day. I don´t know what he capacitiy of the stadium is, but it must be a lot. The game is one big song (if you want to hear the song, I won a CD with bocasongs over lunch...so pass by and I let you hear)Everybody is siging, clapping there hands and jumping. The soccer here is much quicker than in the Netherlands, there were some brilliant actions,the players fall easier (schwalbe) but the attacks are much harder (and no yellow or red card, the yellow cards that were givin would have been red in the Netherlands and the other yellows were for almost killing the refereee after giving yellow). Though Boca was playing against the last one in line, they only one with 2-1. It was almost watching ajax. Missing that much chances....

After the game back to the bar to get our bags (we had to leave them over there). The neighborhood of Boca is pretty creapy. It did not feel really safe. The street with all the colors is nice, but that is like the only nice part. When we took the taxi back to the school (I know my way from there) we had to lock the doors and close the windows. On my way back I bought some food. I think I could life here easily, although I should get used to eating times, because I am really upsetting people to eat dinner at 6.30 pm, that is teatime.

Back home at 8.30 I eat a quick snack (advocado) and while I am eating that the guys are getting home. I still have to get used to the kiss. Pablo told me he went to another pologame and that one of the guys over there asked him if he wanted to ask me out for a date. Unlucky me, it wasn´t a nice guy (really irritating, a PR guy that does not have real friends) SO I told Pablo no...I believe he thought that that was a smart choice. I did some more talking to Tito and when he went out for dinner with his dad and sister (around 9.45) I went up to do some reading.

The maid told Tito that he should only talk Spanish to me, so that I would learn quicker, so that I could just ask in Spanish what I want. Because I was looking for a plate in the kitchen and I couldn´t find it and I did not have my schoolstuff wth me, so I could not look it up. It is funny, she is talking all the time to me, but I have no clue what she is saying...

Tuesday: offday

Tuesday was my worst day till now. I was feeling really shitty, and one of the teachers was really irritated when I did not understand him imidiatly. I really wanted to start speaking Dutch to him, just find out how well he would understand. I took the bus to school. It was a bit of an adventure, as i had to ask the people to help me find my busstop. SOmebody was so nice to push me out of the bus in time, so I was at time in class. At the way back the bus took a different route (at least I thought, I had afternoon classes, so it was dark already when I was in the bus home) so I had to ask someone again. Luckily there was a nice guy standing besides me, who was helping me to find the right busstop. The stupid thing was that he was appologizing for his bad English....why? I actually should be apologizing for not speaking Spanish. At home I was really feelig bad, I was shaking all over so I diceded to go to bed really early

Oct 4, 2005

Dutch update :dipje

For now a short update in Dutch...
Zoooo, dipje. In Cuba en Thailand dacht ik nog dat mijn maagproblemen lagen aan het eten, het roken of het warme weer, maar hier heb ik het ook weer. En niet zo{n klein beetje ook! Gister wel bij het familieeten gezeten (nou ja, alleen Tito en Maia (ik geloof dat ze zo heet, ik check dat later wel), de rest was gast), maar was doodziek en heb met moeite mijn yoghurtje weggegeten. Erna hebben we nog wel tot twaalf uur op de gang staan kletsen (eerst tito en ik en later met Tara erbij) over onder andere het politieke klimaat hier en nog wat dingen. Ik begreep mijn eerste Spaanse zin, of ik het zout wilde doorgeven. Vandaag heb ik laat les en dus lekker tijdje in mijn bed gelegen om te kijken of mijn maag beter werd. Niet echt. Alleen ontbeten, rest was of nar school, of naar het werk of lag nog te pitten. Nou ja laat, het was half negen. De huishoudhulp ging ook nog een heel gesprek met me aan. In het Spaans. Ik geloof dat ze sommige dingen wel tien keer moest herhalen voordat ik doorhad wat ze zei. En dan moest ik nog antwoorden. Nog lastiger. Maar ik geloof dat ik nu weet dat ze een dochter van 18 heeft die Louisa heet. Verder weet ik de naam van alle spullen die op tafel stonden en de helft van het fruit. Maar ik ben het meeste ook al wel weer kwijt.... Vermoeiend twee talen spreken ;-). Vandaag is het trouwens berekoud, maar 10 graden. Het weer kan hier echt op een dag springen. Het ene moment loop je in tshirt en het volgende moet je trui an trekken en niet veel later jas aandoen en paraplu op. Maar het kan half uur later ook weer lekker zijn.
Had nu wat foto{s willen posten, maar ben achter de verkeerde computer geplaatst. Morgen dus wat foto{s van het huis, mijn kamer en het polo.
Tot later!
PS: duim voor me dat het beter gaat met mijn maag, want zo is het niet echt leuk!

Monday third of October: first day in class

I woke up around six and stayed in bed till around seven. Took a shower (they have like a rain shower, getting a lot of water, really lovely) and went down for breakfast. I asked Christina if it would be ok to call a taxi on the street. The next minute I was running up to order a taxi by phone, because that was smarter to do (actually, I was running up for the phonenumber and she called) and I left the house around 8.15. Around 8.30 I was at school. A bit early so I walked around and came back ten minutes later. I am in a very small class, together with Particia from Switserland (she is in her thirties) and Corrine (in her fifties) from London. I like the first one, the second is a bit strange. The next four hours they learned as much about Spanish as I learned of French in half a year at school. So now it all slipt my mind and I have to practice tomorrow morning before going to school at two.

After school the three of us had lunch together (at around 2.30. crazy) my first Argentina meat. And it was really good!After lunch Patricia and I went to out to find the Subte to get downtown to Tangol, a small travelagent. I had to arrange some things and this was the quickest way. It took me like two hours to arrange everything, but now the biggest part is arrangend. The difficult part will be the estancias. Maybe I will ask the school to help me calling them, or I will call them myself. From there I walked back (it started drizzling again) to the Subte and took the metro home. That wasnt as easy as thought. I had to change once and had to ask which side to take and then when I came out of the metro I was totally blank on where to hgo. Because the map wasnt to accurate and it took me a while before I found someone who could help me. But I guess I can find my way around. But again, what an amazingly big city this is. I guess tomorrow will be a bit a wasted day as well, but after that I will start walking around and taking pictures. So I guess I will have more to tell soon! (I am getting tired, and it is only eight oclock, I have to wait for dinner till nine thirty. but dinner wont be more then yoghurt, because my stomach is just killing me)

Sunday part two

As soon as I came back to place I stay (from now I will call it home) Pablo, the oldest son, knocked on my door to ask if I wanted to come to a polo game just outside of Buenos Aires. Off course. I love horses and a pologame is on my agenda. But before that I went for lunch with Tara, the American girl. The moment we were to leave Tito(the other son) was asking if we didnt want to go to a soccermatch. Really difficult choice, but I promised Pablo first, and I actually liked a easy afternoon. TYhe match was really nice, I made some pictures, but I can not load them up in this internetcafe. The weather was ok, but on the way back it started raining. In the evening i was writing a bit , but at eight I was getting really tired. I decided to go downstairs to ask for some muskitokiller. Christina, the mother, wasnt in, but Tito was, so I talked a bit with him about Argentina, Europe, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, studying and off course a lot about horses. Before I knew it was eleven in the evening. That was when he told me he had a test tomorrow. I hope he did a good job, otherwise I would feel a bit guilty for getting him off his work. It is funny that everybody stays up till twelf or one and gets up at six (public university starts at seven am) It is really killing me if I stay up till twelve and get up at six. Anyway, I went to bed at eleven and has a wonderful night of sleep.

Oct 2, 2005

Sunday the second of October: Hello Buenos Aires

Around 1.25 am I am walking for the second time within 24 hours of a plane. Hello Argentina! I am offically broken and really tired. First through emigration....I got another stamps, finally! ANd some other papers I really should not lose... Next picking up my bag. Came as one of the first (checked in as one of the last off course, because my flight was one from Rio de Janeiro) so I walked out within half an hour after leaving the plane. SOmebody was that nice to get my bag on my back, but the next thing I walked into was a luggage check, so it had to get off again ). so did the belt again. it seemed that I took my own luggage and I was free to go. I run in some taxi guys the next minute and decided to get the cab and call the bed and brakfast where I would stay. The travel to the Bed and breakfast didn´t too smooth... he dropped me in Malabia 814 Palermo, instead of Malasia 841 Belgrano...ANother half an hour later I was at the place to be. At 3.30 am I rolled into my bed, heard the muskoto zoom around and fell asleep....
At around nine my alarmclock went off, I unpacked and took a shower. At ten there was breakfast. Together with a American girl (I forget her name) and Christina the woner. Her two sons came by to say Hi and kiss(it is normal to give a kiss on the cheek over here, glad I did read about that). After breakfast I went to shop for water (biiiigggggg supermarket) and wen into the mall to get some money. For people who love to shop till they drop...start saving money, already in the last two hours a saw a lot of shops! It is a bit difficult to explain what you want as I do not speak Spanish, but with some hand work and getting all different kind of stuff from my back, I am getting around pretty well. Wll, time to get back to the bed and breakfast to discuss live around there. I understood that I can sit around for dinner, which takes places at around 9.30 p.m. (my poor stomach, it is having a hard time already) and I have to find my way to school (guess that will be a taxi tomorrow morning) See you tomorrow!

Saturday the first of October. Departure

Alramclock: 6.30 am. getting out of bet around 07.00 am. Taking a shower and checking the last things. 09.00am San (my sister) is waiting for me and we walk to the trainstation. My backpack feels really heavy, although it isn´t even 15 kilos. Arriving at Schiphol around 11 am. First checking in. First little crisis....e-ticketing....a while later we find out that a passport will do as well to check in. A quick luggage drop and to the panorma restaurant for lunch. I am slowly getting really nervous, but still ok.
Around 12.30 through passport control. Get a full body check...it must be my lucky day. Around 1.30 pm we get in the plane. We should leave at 1.55 but due to technical problems it is getting a bit later. Stress all over. I have 1,5 hour to change planes in Sao Paulo, lot of people have less and need to go through emigration first.
Flight is ok. We have great chairs (this ones with movable headthings, really greats if you want to sleep) and little tvscreens in front of us. It is hard to choose a nice move. After checking the distance to Sao Paul (something like 9785 km) I go for A million Dollar baby (of whatever the movie is calles) I miss parts because I am falling a sleep sometimes, but the end of the movie hits me. I need to watch this one at home without catering every few minutes and English spoken and Chinese or Japaense undertitles.... After that I decide to listen to some CD's , make my own playlist (that already took me forever) and after that I watched Mr and Mrs Smith...or better said, the first twenty minutes. Next thing I saw was a black sreen. I think I slept for some time. Long distance flights are actually ok. After four hours I lose every feeling of time and just sit, sleep and eat.
After arriving in Sao Paulo I had to wait for an hour (we had some delay because of the technical problem) and almost fell asleep on my handluggage. I must have been an attraction in my orange wintercaot and hanging on my stuff, because a lot of people were watching and smiling. At twelve Brazilian time it was time for dinner. As we are speaking about five am European time I got already sick of the smell. SO I decided to let it pass...this for Saturday the first of October