Oct 21, 2005

19th of october, falling in love with the big blue wall...

As I ake up, the ehole world is white and is getting whiter by the inute.The last thing is bad news, because I have to be outside for a whole day. At nine I and the Doyles leave for the glacier.In the back I hear a lot of complains about everything and in the front I try to understand hat the cabdriver is telling me, to answer it and to explain it towards the people in the back. Inthe meanwhile we are sliding towards theglacier. When we reach theglacier it is raining and the Doyles are really upset they have to walk outside for almost twohours. I run down to get a poncho and start walking through the almost 10cm high snow and melting water.
Even though theweather is grey, the glacier iswonderfull. It is a mirical. I just look at it for 1,5 hour and than go back upstairs to the car to havelunch and go to the start of tha hike of the glacier.Before we get there we have to take the boat. While being on the boat is stops raining and we canstand outside making some pictures. Aswe walk through the forest towards the glacier the guide tells us this snow is very rare, and a bit dangerous. As soon as weare on the ice it isclear the way through the forrest to the glacier was much more dangerous. With our crampton (???or whatever they are ) on we hop over the ice. Theguides do their best to uncover the dangerous wholes under the snow and take us way fromthe ath everybody takes. We walk on very small paths (which arent that well for my nerves, but as Idid that yesterday as well with the horses I am getting used walking or riding around like an mountain goat) The colors are spectacular. As soon as I am back in Buenos Aires I will post more pictures. Just before we go back to the boat we get some Whiskey on the rocks (sitting on ice, drinking whiskey with glacieratmore can a person want) On the way back Ihear even morecomplains in the back and Iam happy when Iam back with the Irish couple. At dinner we share another bottle of fine Argentinan wine (Marcus is really nice, you should try that brand)andmake some plans for tomorrow.
Later more,I have now to make some phonecalls to arrange excursions for tomorrow and catch the plane to trelew at 7 pm!

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