Weekend, hanging around, having a drink and listen classical music
Saturday; I woke up in time, so I took a quick shower and a quick breaffast and went down to Recoletta. I just wondered around a bit and visited the graveyard. It is not as big as in Havana, but it was still pretty big. Somehow I never feel comfortable out there, so I went away pretty quick. Back home I run in to tara and had lunch with her outside. After lunch I thought it would be smart to do some studying, but as soon as I sat down outside, Pablo asked if I wanted to go to see another pologame..... Sure. So I changed my clothes again and we and Luis Enrico, the mexican host, went to the polomatch. This match was even better than the one before. It was so quick, with excelent players. After the match Luis enrico suddenly started to talk English to me (he told me before he hated English and he was not going to speak in English) and asked if I was going out for dinner. I was. When we got back I also asked tara and the three of us went out. We went to this Mexican restaurant and had a lot of fun. After that we had a drink in Jacky O. Which was just fine (a bottle of champagne for 25 pesos). It is pretty irritable though to have all this kissing couples around you.... it is like everybody is glued together. At 1.30 we went home.
Sunday: This morning I actually only had brakfast and hang out in the garden with Tito. We talked from eleven to onethirty and then Tara and I did go out for lunch. Lunch is over now, and we are typing some stories. Next thing will be the supermarket and getting ready for a classical concert slash opera. Really curious how I am gonna like that.
So no exciting stories, but I am havinf the time of my life and feel pretty relaxed...
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