Feb 2, 2006

House under construction - story

As I started working early yesterday, I was able to leave at four thirty. I had to go to Ikea (who does not know this shop) to return something and pick up some new towels. I decided to go for some orange and cream-colored once, but that aside. The way to Ikea did not go totally smooth as the metro could not move on from Duivendrecht (a station just three stops before I had to be) because the doors where not able to close (or at least one) So the driver locked al the doors that were closed (and all the doors in the coupe I was were closed) and after I while I started to feel a bit claustrophobic. The knowledge that I wasn’t able to get out when I wanted did not please me. But after some minutes we were able to go on. As soon as I got in the Ikea I went to custom services to chance (that took me 35 minutes for just 10 numbers in front of me) and then I went for dinner (off course some salmon, what else) and bought the towels.

All together it only took me till seven something to get back home, and there I found my house under construction. A total mess. All walls (minus two) that are totally yellow, with one of the most awful smells ever smelled. But as I was tot tired to call a friend for a place to stay over, I just opened the doors and grabbed my camera to make some pictures off it.

So here the clothes and working gear of the guy that is working on my nice little palace… (and one wall that is okay already) I really hope to show you guys some nice pictures of perfect white walls soon…

Talk to you soon!

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