May 1, 2006

Going out for dinner on Queensnight

Last Friday was besides the day of queensnight (or prince night like some people tend to say) also the day I prepared a little dinnerparty for family that came over from canada. My uncle Pen and his wife went out together, but his son Robert and his girlfriend went out with some of the familymembers.
It all did not go as smooth as I wanted it to go. At first almost nobody replied to my email for going out for dinner, then I had to call, email and SMS after some peoples butt, but they were able to come. Second I had to find a restaurant where you can eat a nice ricetable. I found one through one of the nice restaurant sites. I made reservations for Tujuh Maret.
On friday we all got together. My sisters and brother first dropped their stuff at my place (although Sofie would sleep at Tess'es place) and after that we took the tram downtown.
It took a while before the tram arrived (and it was almost freezing, what a shitty weather at Queensnight) but still dry. Arond 7.30 we arrived at the restaurant. As my brother was running late I wasn't able to get Robert and Susan , so Tess did the honors. Just outside the restaurant we run into Daan and after a short moment Tess, Robert and Susan game in. Next we had to wait for Thomas, Anouk and Heike. A little after eight we were complete and dinner could start.
Unluckily for us, we were a little to late. They wanted to serve out dinner at eight, and right then we were missing three people. So we had to wait for more then an hour before a new meal was prepared. But as soon as it came in everybody was happy, it was a good dish!
Around 11,30 pm we were finished with dinner and dessert and decided to go downtown for a drink. Outsight it started to be already pretty messy. Robert was already pretty imressed by the crowd, althought it was nothing by what would come into town on Queensday.
After drinks in two bars (it was a little over two) we went home. As it was really busy we walked home, which even did not seem that long as we had a lot to talk about.

Well, enough for now, talk to you later!!

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