Not watching horses by the sea - Saturday
Saturday morning no reason to rush. We had a slow breakfast. Nicely reading the newspaper. Love that! After that, another moment of “activity” planning. Weather still sucked, and the tournament was already cancelled for today. It did not need any discussion, we would go to Antwerpen and do some shopping and for me to just look around. To see what Antwerpen is like. Anna’s dad did the driving. We did some shopping in between loads of rain, had a really nice lunch with Anna and her parents in some Danish restaurant (way to much chicken and pasta, but really nice, I should practise to make it that way), did some more shopping’s and had a Belgian Waffel with strawberries (really nice again).
At the end of the day I also bought a really nice pair of pillowcases (the sheet wasn’t a sheet, so that was a bit of a pity) and nice summer shoes (I can go classic). Antwerpen is a nice city. I have to go back there some day to make some pictures, some more shopping and enjoying sitting outside)
We came back around five and decided I would take the train around six. When Anna dropped me off, a train to Roosendaal just left the train station. Some small bells started to ring and they became louder when the normal yellow timetables were exchanged by blue ones….. Right, I had to take the touristic route.
Everything went well till we left Tilburg, when we had to wait for a slow train to get in the station. When we were close to Den Bosch I saw the Amsterdam train passing by… and got a bit stressed out, because I wanted that train. So right before the train went into the station I got up and started to walk, almost stumbling over a huge bag in the middle of the angle. The owner of the bag started like: Just wait I am going to clean the angle blablabla…but I did not say anything… SO I just went like: Well, I really want THAT train…and he was like...well me too (well, that makes two of us). Then he was like…but you don’t have to worry, because it is gonna stop at the other side of the platform, and I was like: Well, but it going to another platform so we have to run….
So as soon as the train stopped we took off and got jammed on the way up… So I was like: You still think we are gonna make it…and some people in front of us were as friendly to just let us move on. We were able to jump in and the train took off. Furthermore everything went fine. I decided to stay on this train till Amsterdam Amstel and then wait for the train to Amsterdam Muiderpoort, instead of chancing in Utrecht.
Around nine twenty I was back home. I did some e-mail reading, some reading and went to bed early. Although I did not see a horse or poloplayer, it was nice weekend…
Wat een ellende he met die trein. Dat persoon met wie je sjans had klinkt beetje irritant. Zat je, nadat je die trein had gehaald, nog bij hem?
Antwerpen vond je wel een goed plan toch? Verder kon ik nl weinig anders bedenken. Ik kom dus tot de conclusie dat Zeeland alleen leuk is als het lekker weer is. Vandaar dat ik altijd een winterdip heb! Haha.
Volgende keer Antwerpen ook nog wat andere straatjes uitchecken behalve alleen de Meir en Keizerlei.
Ennuh, de sheet wasn't a sheet?! Hebben we niet goed gekeken, wat was het dan?
ik vond antwerpen erg leuk.... komt dat er niet helemaal uit? (komt waarschijnlijk omdat ik genoeg had van het typen).
En de sheet is een hoeslaken grrr, en ik kan het niet ruilen, want dit is gekocht in Belgie en de amsterdamvestiging kan dat niet aannemen...Ik denk dat ik er binnenkort toch ff blond in wandel. En anders koop ik alsnog een laken en vouw deze (hoeslaken)gedeeltelijk onder het matras....
Maareh, Apeldoorn is ook winterdippig en dat is een grote stad... het is maar net waar je je prettig voelt denk ik....
zo ga nu close to home kijken en dan slapen
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
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